Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Levi Johnston: The Wannabe Celebrity

Who is Levi Johnston? Well, in case you didn't know, Levi Johnston is the former fiance of Bristol Palin. As you all know, Bristol is Sarah Palin's daughter. Bristol made a few rash decisions and ultimately ended up getting pregnant. This predicament put a damper on the McCain/Palin campagin and also added extra stress to a young, unwed, expecting mother.

Not long after, Levi and Bristol split. Levi immediately took this opportunity to slander the Palin family and to jump on the bandwagon of celebrity wannabes. How is that such a person could become famous? He has accomplished nothing of importance. This scumbag has made a career out of slander, libel, and being a bad role model.

His grasp at fame is unfortunately continuing. He has made the custody battle of his child public. While Bristol wished to keep this affair private for the sake of the child, Levi has responded that he fears Sarah will become involved if it is kept private. Let's face it. Levi wants to make this into a media circus for his own benefit. I personally don't believe he even cares for his child. His child is just an accessory to him.

We can only hope that this whole coverage doesn't get too out of hand. The Palin family has suffered enough from the media and also Levi in general. Give it a few more months though. Soon enough Levi will be only a memory in the news. He can't ride out this whole situation for the rest of his life.


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